Hadron Therapy Symposium: status and perspectives, plans for next generation facilities


@Thessaloniki - hybrid mode



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Four-days international event


Registration is open for Hadron Therapy Symposium: status and perspectives, plans for next generation facilities, to be held in Thessaloniki in hybrid mode and free of charge.

This four-days international event will present an Overeview of the Status and Perspectives of Hadron Therapy and will include a specialised 2-days workshop; a specialized 1-day course on Treatement Planning; students sessions and networking events for newcomers in Heavy Ion Therapy Research with a focus on clinical aspects.

The Hadron Therapy Symposium is primarily intended to clinicians of all levels in radiotherapy and particle therapy as well as for medical students specializing or considering specializing in oncology. The ultimate goal is to address and prepare motivated oncologists, as well as early-stage researchers and students who show strong promise and interest in becoming part of the heavy ion therapy research community and who may then optimally exploit and access Europe’s heavy ion therapy research infrastructures.