Registration is now open for the 19th Seminar of HITRIplus – “Hadrontherapy in Caen-Normandy“, scheduled for February 24 (from 17:00 to 18:00 CET on Zoom). The seminar will be given by Jean-Louis Habrand, Emeritus Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Caen-Western Normandy, Gabriel Gaubert, CEO of CYCLHAD, Engineer in Scientific Instrumentation, and Virgile Letellier, Head of Medical Physics Department, Normandy Hadrontherapy (NHa).
This session will explore the advancements in hadron therapy in France, with a focus on the CYCLHAD facility and the latest innovations in multi-ion therapy. This seminar will highlight France’s progress in proton and heavy ion therapy, featuring insights into CYCLHAD’s development and the revolutionary C400 IONS cyclotron, the first multi-ion therapy system worldwide.
- Three decades of charged particle therapy in France – Jean-Louis Habrand
- The CYCLHAD facility: present & future – Gabriel Gaubert
- The C400 IONS multi-ion cyclotron: project & installation status – Virgile Letellier