Beam physicist
June 8, 2022
Beam physicist
The successful candidate will participate in the design of advanced solutions for medical accelerators, as part of the activities of the SEEIIST Association within the European program HITRIplus.
The objectives of the “Advanced accelerator and gantry design” work package in HITRIplus include the study of solutions to improve the performance of existing accelerators (injection, extraction and beam transport) and the development of the design of a compact and innovative Superconducting (SC) magnet synchrotron and gantry.
The components and the full synchrotron design will aim at increasing the beam intensity up to 10-20 times the reference of European medical facilities, to allow faster irradiation and new dose delivery modalities for research and treatment.
The position is limited to 6 months, starting 01.09.2022.
Tasks and Responsibilities
The Beam Physicist will work on several tasks associated with the “Advanced accelerator and gantry design” activities, according to the needs of the project and his/her area of expertise.
These include:
• Definition of an appropriate lattice for an SC synchrotron, including particle tracking for long-term stability.
• Beam optics modelling of the strongly curved SC magnets for the synchrotron and the gantry and definition of the field quality requirements, in collaboration with the magnets expert.
• Conceptual design of the advanced multi-turn injection scheme and of slow extraction, for a synchrotron with resistive magnets and for the SC-magnets version.
• Identification of specific requirements and challenges in operation due to switching between therapy and research operation modes.
• Definition of improved layouts of the transport lines to the experimental and clinical treatment areas.
The person will integrate a joint CERN-SEEIIST team, based at CERN, and will work under the responsibility of the SEEIIST coordinator.
• University degree and PhD in physics, engineering, or relevant disciplines.
• At least 5 years of experience in Accelerator Physics and proven expertise in at least one of the areas listed above.
• Experience in optics design and magnetic modelling, including familiarity with the specific software.
• Fluency in Python and other tools.
• Experience or interest in the medical field.
• Ability and willingness to learn and share knowledge.
• Strong interpersonal and technical communication skills.
How to apply
For the application, it is needed to submit a CV and requirements related documents.
The deadline for the application is 2022 June 10. You may apply via email jobs@seeiist.eu